
Expand your Brand with Facebook Brand Pages

You’ve been building your brand since you opened your business, whether you knew it or not. Most of your marketing and advertising campaign activity is centered on making your brand recognizable, trusted, and respected. It’s why you have a logo, a color scheme, and a motto. It’s why you are so careful with your company’s name and so proud of its reputation. If you do not yet have Facebook brand pages to complement these efforts, you are missing out on an incredible vehicle for expanding your brand.Facebook is a major player in the world of advertising and marketing. Social networks are the preferred method of advertising for many major corporations. Marketing on social media networks is incredibly effective and budget-friendly. Facebook alone touches the lives of more than 175 million people every 24 hours. That’s 175 million people willing to tell you where they live, what they like, who they know, and many other bits of demographic information you could never get from any other source.Facebook brand pages goggles Carbon Pane are more than just landing pages with your logo embedded in the upper corner. There are technical tools and features that can give your visitors a completely SYMA S026G branded experience and get them engaged with your company. They also give you tons of functionality and evaluative tools so you can see what is working and what is not. Many of the brand pages you see look very similar. This is because few businesses are taking full advantage of all the customizable features offered. Small businesses, in particular, have tried for too long to do it all on their own and have seen too little success. Templates rear view mirror skull frame can only get you so far. A custom page can take you almost anywhere.Professional companies like Real Estate Marketing Solutions have the technical expertise to use these custom features to create Facebook brand pages that interest and engage your fans. We can create visually interesting and content-rich pages that will build your brand name and improve your site traffic and search engine rankings. This goes far beyond templates and logos.You can do more than use a logo instead of a profile picture to infuse your brand into your Facebook page. Facebook brand pages allow you to utilize advanced features like photographs, videos, and Flash animations to draw the visitor into your page. You can have a “fan” land on one page, while someone who has not yet “liked” your brand lands on another with a different focus or message. A custom-designed brand page is the tool you need to build your brand and its on-line presence. Contact Real Estate Marketing Solutions to find out how Facebook and other social media networks can help you build your brand and reach your targeted customer.