
MLM Funded Proposal

The two biggest problems facing MLM marketers are: not enough money and not enough prospects. The MLM Funded Proposal has the potential to solve both these problems so you can get on with building your business. I was once in the unfortunate position of Iphone 4s Charger having to quit MLM because of a lack of money and it's not a nice feeling. But an MLM Funded Proposal means I don't have to worry about that anymore.What Is A Funded Proposal?A Funded Proposal is the concept of marketing an inexpensive but useful product on the front end to generate instant cash, and marketing the main product (your MLM) on the back end for the long term income. The MLM Funded Proposal concept is the same as a regular Funded Proposal, only the details change. Cheap, quality informational products like Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring would make a good frontend product. Magnetic Sponsoring is particularly good because it teaches all about Funded Proposals as well as Attractin Marketing. Another frontend product could also be a sample of your company’s products. The main MLM business would then be marketed to them on the back end.Is An MLM Funded Proposal Something I Should Be Using?Like I said before, no money and no prospects are the main issues for MLM distributors The majority of prospects won't join your business But with an MLM Funded Proposal, you are able to profit from the 90% that won't join your MLM + the 10% that would. Obviously not all of them will buy your front end product, but more are going to buy a cheap product than more serious MLM products. This creates instant cash flow that you can then put back into advertising to create more leads thus solving both problems.What do they say about getting customers? It costs about 10 times more to get a new customer than keep an existing one because existing customers are far more likely to do business with you. The hardest part is acquiring a new customer. So surely you'd want something to get them in the door, and an inexpensive, valuable product is the best way to do that. Once you’ve got them in the door, it will be much easier to market your MLM Motorcycle Goggles to them because they have become a customer and have already spent money with you.Another plus is that it will get rid of those that aren't serious. If a prospect won't buy a cheap, valuable product, then they aren't serious. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to waste my time on tire kickers.ConclusionCombine cash on the front end to spend on generating more leads, the ability to get more new customers, weeding out the tire kickers, plus the fact that all the top earners in MLM are using an MLM Funded Proposal and there is no real reason for you not to be using an MLM Funded Proposal.

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